Friday 22 October 2021

Do dietary supplement vitamins make you lose weight?

 Eating healthy foods, reducing calories, and being physically active are all established ways to lose weight.

But, because implementing these lifestyle adjustments isn't simple, you might question if taking a weight-loss-oriented dietary supplement can assist.

Dietary supplement manufacturer suggests that their products help you lose weight by preventing fat or carbohydrate absorption, suppressing your hunger, or boosting up your metabolism.

Let us now talk about the most common dietary supplements and if they can make you lose weight.

1.    Protein Powder/Bar

While protein powders and bars won't make you lose weight, they can increase your feeling of fullness, which is helpful if you're trying to slim down. Don't forget that by eating smaller, more frequent meals with protein sources, you'll be able to satisfy your hunger. This is true whether the protein comes from supplements or naturally occurring food supply (for example: eggs, meat, dairy and beans).

Does it Work? Protein supplement is combined with a low-calorie diet in the majority of clinical research studies that showed dramatic weight loss.

There was no diet change in the studies that showed no substantial weight loss with protein supplements.

Side Effect

Excessive gas, stomach bloating, and loose stools are frequent side effects. Sugar alcohols in some pubs are commonly to blame for this.

Protein powder in smoothies is made from a variety of different protein sources. If you're lactose sensitive, you might wish to go with a lactose-free option.



2.    Extract of green tea

Does it Work? Caffeine in a product can enhance resting energy expenditure, but there isn't enough solid scientific proof to support its claims of weight reduction success. The evidence supporting the effectiveness of green tea extract for weight loss is mixed.

Side Effect

Green tea is well tolerated as a drink and has few side effects. However, there is a large list of potential negative effects involving the cardiovascular, neuroendocrine, neurological, and gastrointestinal systems, as with any supplement.

3.    Chitosan

Does it Work?Chitosan is thought to stop fat from being absorbed in the intestines.

The majority of studies that showed modest weight loss with chitosan did so because it was used in conjunction with a low-calorie diet. Taking chitosan without calorie restriction did not appear to cause significant weight loss in clinical research investigations.

Side Effect

Chitosan appears to be well tolerated when taken orally in recommended safe levels. Increased stomach discomfort with bloating and diarrhoea are the most obvious possible adverse effects.


4.    Glucomannan

Does it Work? Glucomannan is a dietary fibre derived from the roots of the konjac plant that has been shown to increase satiety. It has higher quantities of soluble fibre than other dietary fibres, which may boost the number of calories lost by binding to cholesterol in your food and removing those fat calories via your stool.

Side Effect: According to clinical study, glucomannan appears to be well tolerated when given orally. Loose stools, diarrhoea, constipation, stomach pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and gas have all been recorded in some cases. Furthermore, some esophageal and gastrointestinal obstructions have been documented when the drug is given as a tablet. It's best to take it as a powder or a capsule.


Final Words

A number of health supplement manufactures claim to be able to help you lose weight quickly.

However, if you're considering using a weight-loss product, you should conduct your research beforehand.

This is especially critical if you have a medical condition, are taking prescription medication or breastfeeding.

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